Direkt pitch shifting with MIDI keyboard control !
Instretch is an instant extreme time stretcher. It will record audio for up to 30 seconds and then play it back up to 100 times slower with selectable pitch.
RESOM is a free resonator audio effect. It features 6 resonator units (2*3, stereo) with 4x oversampling, tuned as a "power chord".
Easy to use MIDI step sequencer VST plugin! Click image to read details. FREE !
A phaser loosely modeled after classic vintage gear with various sounds
Kind of a dynamic EQ that enhances the bass and treble frequencies at lower volumes.
Extreme sample time stretching. Play a sample 100 times slower than original !
MSC-01 Mid/Side control
A stereo audio manipulation plugin. Controls the mid and side parts of your audio track seperately in different manners. FREE !
A free delay plugin with a pitch shifter for the echoes. Create bizarre echo pattern drifting in pitch!
A plugin for long reverbs.
Free VST micro pitch shifting plugin. Great for enhancing vocal tracks. Adds detuned copies of the input for making the sound fuller.

Play complicated chords with one finger. Record MIDI chords with up to 6 notes and recall them by pressing just one key.
TenC & 100CC
Two effect plugins for instant 10CC® / Enya® style choir sounds or other ambient softieness
SIMPSHI Simple Pitch Shifter
XMaximum ease of use - just one double-knob for fine and coarse tuning and a dry-wet slider. For fine chorus-like detuning or up to 2 octaves raw pitching.
Formantbank Filterbank
A filterbank with 12 bands ready for resonating. FREE !
PCH-1 Chorus
A vintage sounding chorus plugin with maximum ease of use: just one knob. Try it out!
A stereo chorus with four delay lines (based on old Roland concepts). Sound from soft to deep. Steampunk GUI for this one based on Elements from Jonathan Style
A simple tube emulator to give some saturation to your track.

A 6x delay, each with its own bandpass filter. Free!

Ringer is a Ringmodulator with 2 inputs. Free!
VST-Plugins for Windows (click on the images for information) Some of these plugins have a nagscreen, but all are fully functional.
VST is a trademark of Steinberg
Donations for the free plugins appreciated.
(C) WOK 2006-2016
