Skalenmeister is the successor of Tonmeister. It forces incoming MIDI notes to the given scale and key, and can generate chords from single notes (3 types of chords, 8 scales). The root key can be set automatically to the incoming note (for correct chords) or by MIDI notes on a second MIDI channel. For chords, there is a basic strumming adjustable. The fourth note for SEPT and SUS chords can be changed, so it is also possible to generate add9 chords, for example. A translation of the GUI is included in the manual.
Skalenmeister comes together with Polymeister. Basically the same, Polymeister accepts polyphonic input to force to scale, but does not generate chords.

- MIDI notes will be forced to the given scale and root key
- root key can be set by notes on a second MIDI channel
- generate chords for a single key (with strumming delay)
- MIDI channel for input notes, auto root key and output can be set individually
- added notes for 7th and sus can be changed for other chord types
